The Peit(h)mann Family Association reg. has published quite a number of brochures on the Peit(h)mann family (see list of publications). Few of these brochures have been translated into English. They are listed under the heading „chronicle“ below.
Articles / Talks:
date | in | topic |
15.09.2012 | Obernkirchen | Peit(h)mann in Obernkirchen |
19.09.2010 | Osnabrück | Konsistorialrat Ludwig Peithmann 1662-1731 in Bad Essen |
15.09.2009 | Mennighüffen | Heinrich Peithmann 1903-1973 |
13.09.2008 | Helmstedt | Auf der alten Academia Julia |
22.09.2007 | Enger/Bünde | „Und ob ich gleich wanderte im tiefen Tal…“ |
23.09.2006 | Stadthagen | „So lang mich trägt die schöne Erde…“ |
17.09.2005 | Bad Oeynhausen | Amerikafahrer aus dem Kreise Minden |
18.09.2004 | Hannover | Von Stadthagen bis Limmer – auf frühen Peithmann-Spuren in Hannover |
20.09.2003 | Löhne | Siedler im Osten |
21.09.2002 | Frotheim | Vierzehn Jahre in englischer Haft (Prof. Eduard Peithmann 1803-1806) |
16.09.2000 | Stadthagen | Sechs Generationen Bäckermeister Peitmann in Stadthagen |
18.09.1999 | Rinteln | Peit(h)mann und die alte Rintelner Universität |
19.09.1998 | Gehrde | Drei Generationen Pastor Peithmann in Gehrde |
20.09.1997 | Bückeburg | Von Schulmeistern Peithmann im alten Amt Bückeburg |
21.09.1996 | Bad Nenndorf |
Von den ersten Peithmann Pastoren in Nenndorf und Stadthagen
The tragic story of William McCool, the astronaut who is a descendant of Caroline Louise Wilhelmine Peithmann (table 19) who married Louis Huck, moved the world. Everybody remembers the fatal crash of spacecraft Columbia on Febr. 1, 2003. Willie McCool died at 41 years as pilot on his first journey in space:
Harlan Peithmann jr. (table 22) travelled to Germany with his parents in 1937, one year after the Olympic Games organised by Nazi Germany, one year before the Kristallnacht and two years before the outbreak of World War II. We are very grateful to him for having written up his memories of this trip during which he met some German relatives, too. It is fascinating to read. Harlan sr. Also took a film during this journey. If you are interested in receiving a copy of that film please contact us.—The copyright of the following report lies with Harlan Peithmann jr..
Reflections about the 1937 European Trip
Our author Wilhelm Meier-Peithmann wrote three parts of a chronicle of the Peit(h)mann family planned to be completed by further additions. These frist three parts with many pictures have been published by the Peit(h)mann Family Association. If you want to acquire the German originals please contact us. By clicking on the following links you can read the English translations of the first two parts of the chronicle which include information on two American branches of the family. The third part of the chronicle has not been translated into English as there did not seem to be sufficient interest in such a translation.
Part 1: complete text (in English)
Part 2: complete text (in English)
A full chronicle of the Peit(h)mann family was published in German in September 2011 (see first page of this website).
Useful Links:
In the 1850ies the English gentleman John Tomas Perceval, son of a former British Prime Minister, did an enquiry into the story of Dr. Eduard Peithmann, an Oxford professor, who had been held captive in British gaols resp. in the Bethlem lunatic asylum for 14 years with no justification whatsoever. This case was so scandalous that a young German journalist by the name of Karl Marx (Yes! The one who invented Communism) wrote an article about it in a New York newspaper: read it! (on that page click „Tourismus“ and „Erlebniswelt Renaissance“) (gives you all the information you want on the Peithman(n) tombs at North Prairie Cemetery in Illinois) (contains lots of information on the descendants of Frederick Krughoff and Wilhelmina Peithmann (table 19), not everything is 100 % correct, especially the spelling is sometimes erroneous, but it tells you a lot about what life was like 100 years ore more ago)