John Edwin „Jack“ Holden, son of Elizabeth Ida Peithmann (table 30), died on Dec. 22, 2014, in Aurora, CO, at the age of 90. We feel with his wife Marguerite „Peggy“ and his daughters Joni and Jan and two grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Jack had worked for his father‘s news paper in Loveland, CO, the Reporter-Herald, from 1947 until 1969, becoming its owner in 1963. After selling it in 1969 Jack started a new career in the federal government from which he retired in 1987. He kept regularly in touch with the German Peithmanns. In 1998 he attended a big reunion of American and German Peit(h)manns in Little Nashville, IL. We will remember him as a very kind gentleman with a good sense of humour.